In a game of fixed limit Omaha, there is often some confusion as to when to bet, and what to bet; when to come out fighting, and when not too. Personal strategies will of course always be subject to modification, however, there are a few rules of thumb that if you follow them, you won’t go to far wrong.

Pre-flop Action

Pre-flop action will vary depending on your experience and your knowledge of your fellow players. Remember that its a game of who knows what, and at this stage few people know very much. Therefore, it is advised to play things a little cautiously at the pre-flop stage; call if you so desire, but raises are generally not such a good idea.

Raising on the Flop

Raising on the flop is a great way of letting the rest of the table know that you have great cards; or it’s a great way of sinking your own boat. If you’re playing down the line, you should not be even thinking about raising on the Flop unless you have a very strong hand already , what’s a strong hand at this point? pairs, double suited, or consecutive cards. Even if you do have a great looking hand so far, you need to bare two things in mind. First of all, it’s not complete, and nothings for sure until it’s sure! Secondly, you don’t want to scare people off , a won half empty pot isn’t anywhere as good as a won full pot, thus, if you don’t have good cards on the flop, don’t bet, and if you do, bet cautiously.

The Turn

The Turn is where It all turns around in Omaha , unless you got very lucky you will only now see most of your options appear before you. If you have good cards, suited or in a run then you should defiantly feel comfortable at this point to be aggressive, you are in a good position and you can start to let this show; you don’t want to go too heavy in, but a nice raise won’t hurt you at all.

Playing the River

By the time the river has come, you have two main objectives , to make what you have seem greater, and make your opponent doubt what he has. Thus, at this point, all guns a blazing is probably the best way; especially if you really do have something pretty great. However, this is where your ability to read your opponents comes into action because its only when you’re in the seat that can really make the call. Imagine you have a pretty good hand , let’s say a Jack high straight; if you are up against someone that seems as sure of themselves as you are of yourself, then you have to consider the fact that they really do have something better; you must weigh up the possibility, and make the best decision you can. Don’t forget that there are no points for throwing good money after bad, and it’s never too late to turn back .